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12.12.2012: Not the end of the World, but the birth of a concept!

I don’t know if was just a cheap line or really meant, but somebody once told us ‘Just follow your dreams’. It sounded like a Hollywood movie. We all have many dreams. Some of them we are proud of, others, we’d rather nobody know about them J Modiwo is alive because many people died for it to be born. Or wait! This was the Hollywood movie again J

Modiwo was never a dream. MO DI WO is the reality that surrounds us. The MOsaic and the DIversity of the WOrld makes it so that Modiwo is yours as much as it is ours. The only thing that we’re trying to do is be the intermediaries of that diverse world and express it through music.

One year ago we were laying the guidelines of what today is the Modiwo concept. We had such a full year that it’s very difficult to describe in a small blog post. And because it’s our first year birthday, and because Modiwo means sharing, giving, loving, we celebrate by offering you a video gift of our fun in this project. After this, you will know us a bit better. Enjoy!


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