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After a long journey, the clip for Cold World has finally landed on YouTube :) There are so many things to say about this song and about this video. Indeed lots of interesting and incredible stories that we’ll share with you in the coming week so that you have ‚hot’ news about our COLD WORLD. For all those who like a bit of behind the scenes we should mention that this clip was partially filmed in ‚Scarisoara’ Glaciar Cave and the rest around Vladeasa’s beautiful scenery, not far from Rosia Montana area where some ‘nice gentlemen’ with brilliant golden ideas want to do some slight landscaping, wiping out all this beauty ;) We thought we should hurry up and get the footage, until we still have what to see. And indeed, there is a lot to see. Everything was amazing and you can see that in this video. Hope you like it, share it and comment on the youtube video so that we know what you think about it. Enjoy to the max.!


  1. adi

    October 17, 2013 (21:35) Reply

    melodiile voastre sunt o adevarata sursa de meditatie si inspiratie.felicitari pentru succesul pe care-l aveti!

    • modiwo

      October 17, 2013 (21:39) Reply

      Merci mult Adi! Suntem foarte bucurosi sa vedem reactiile pozitive ale oamenilor :)

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