LIVE is the word that makes a band go crazy It’s the most fun part. Although rehearsals are always hilarious, Modiwo nights with the friends are overly joyful and creating new songs feeds our hearts, still the stage is the place where all come to life because a special someone is also involved: YOU!
It’s fun how basically all of us change skin when on stage and how we get to know ourselves and the other members better via your presence.
This is what happened on our live performance at TIMAF (Transylvanian International Music and Art Festival). We had fun. And we hope you did too We jumped, banged, danced, laughed, sang and bobbed our heads more than ever. It was a magical night that we want to share with you. Was it because we were playing as opening act for Vama or because the stars were aligned just right or because you made us feel so confortable or all together? We’ll never know. And … who cares?
The important thing is that it all came out just right.
And to have a small remembrance of it, take a look on the link below and let us know what you think. Magical or what?
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