Out for mushrooms Mushrooms are a very interesting… thing in this world. They grow in the weirdest places and in the weirdest shapes having the weirdest tastes. You can eat them in so many ways: legal and illegal :) You can even make jam out of them. Yes: both jam the food and jam the ‘we jammin’ kind’ of jam :) 22/02/2014 Comments 0 Read more
15.000 thanks Our philosophy is simple: this music is our life and soul. Sometimes it’s hard and sometimes is so tiring. But hey! This is real life. Sometimes you go up the hill, sometimes we go down the hill and also some people like going up the hill and some people like more going down the hill :) 14/02/2014 Comments 0 Read more
The Story of the Purple Flute Once upon a time there was a silverish flute. Because it was in her nature, she was wondering around the world looking for the perfect sound. She didn’t know exactly what she was searching for, but was convinced she would recognize the magical sound upon hearing it. After travelling to so many places and listening to infinite modulations and pitches she realized: purple is the perfect color. 12/02/2014 Comments 0 Read more
Some time ago on a stage [Live Video] LIVE is the word that makes a band go crazy :) It’s the most fun part. Although rehearsals are always hilarious, Modiwo nights with the friends are overly joyful and creating new songs feeds our hearts, still the stage is the place where all come to life because a special someone is also involved: YOU! :) 08/02/2014 Comments 0 Read more