It’s been a crazy adventurous tour. We already went through 12 countries, drove almost 6000 km and danced with around 200 people on the way. And all of these in 16 days. But this is the end only for the first part of our tour. We will take a break until August when we plan to go to Bulgarian, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Moldova, Ukraine and few more other on the way.
We had so much fun so far. People all over Europe were so willing to SMiLE and dance with us. Totally amazing! On the way back, after Slovenia, we passed through Hungary again. This time we met with the huge Balaton Lake so we decided to go for a swim. Soooo refreshing. We really needed that. Nice grassy beach, calm sweet water and benches to sit on right in the middle of it (check the pics
Now we are back home resting and readying for the concerts we have in the near future. Missed the Modiwian guys, rehearsals and of course live concerts. We’re preparing a SMiLE concert tour so stick around. Fun things are bound to happen
Just SMiLE !!!
And listen here to the song we SMiLE and dance every day
Daryl Robertson
July 23, 2015 (22:34)
Shiny Happy people! SMILE ☺