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Brandenburg canonIn Berlin we realized that so far, 90% of the people we danced with in our SMiLE tour are tourists, meaning they are not from the country we currently are in. So for example in Berlin we danced with 3 groups of people: from Spain, from France and from China. It’s sooo funny to see how each culture reacts to our project. We also talked woth some indian guys and some nice trackers form Netherlands. All in all, Berlin was so far the most diverse from point of view of how many languages we heard on the street. Basically every second person speaks a foreign language.

Again, the people instantly liked the SMiLE project and agreed to dance and have fun with us. There were some really funny characters. Almost got a Buddhist to join us. Maybe next time ;) We accidentally run into a very cool tunnel where there is a screen with sensors that creates light when you get close to it. That’s where we had the chance to meet and dance with a French group that really felt like in a club and turned everything into a dancing ring. So Paris seems like a promising place to go :)

Berlin was a chance for us to relax. Our good friends Mahalila and Subadra made it possible for us to get a bit of kirtan singing meditation in a park where we practiced our drumming and didgeridoo skills until the police came and we thought this is the end of our SMiLEs :D But no, surprisingly they were really nice and allowed us to continue… without the drum :D So yes, we would like to thank our friends for the cool showers we managed to take in their place and the nice avocados and fruit salads and quinoa delicatessen they prepared.

There’s a lot to be said about a city like Berlin, but we will let you read more about it on Wikipedia cause we need to get going. Next stop… Amsterdam! How cool is that?

Catch up with you tomorrow. Until then…

Just SMiLE!

Light Tunnel

Brandemburg GoPro

Victory LadyBismark

Omkara and Victory


  1. Kim Yunsoo

    October 17, 2015 (00:25) Reply

    We,re not chinese
    We’re Korean

  2. Kim

    October 18, 2015 (18:14) Reply

    Yep! Great video!!

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